Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why Penang?

Hello from Penang!

First things first: Hi! I'm Whitney, a student at Davidson College, and I got this awesome grant from the very generous ASIANetwork to study in Penang, Malaysia for a month. While I'm here, I'll be doing original research on Chinese spirit mediums, particularly those that channel one of two gods, the first and second uncles (also called the elder and second grandpas).

So allow me to answer the obvious question: Why study elements of Chinese religion in Malaysia? Why Penang?

Even though Malaysia is predominantly Malay (and thus Muslim, since nearly all Malays practice Islam), there is a sizable population of Chinese (particulary Southern Chinese) as well as Indians, contributing to the nation's wealth of religious and cultural diversity. Penang has a particularly large Chinese population, especially in comparison to other areas of Malaysia, and the influence of the Chinese community is virtually everywhere in this city. Many Chinese immigrated here back when Malaysia was a British colony to labor, work as artisans, and the like. Because of this, the Chinese religious community reflects the adaption of the Chinese community to a new land and to the pressures they have and continue to face in a land that often still regards them as foreigners.

This massive building in the forefront is the UMNO building. UMNO is the Malay political party and the dominant political party of Malaysia (though not in Penang). It's huge size and sharp design probably has something to do with reminding the non-Malay communities (which are a majority in Penang) that they are not the dominant force in the nation itself.

Spirit Mediums (basically people who channel or become possessed by deities) have been used by the Chinese to garner direct results for a variety of issues, especially when normal modes of dealing with such problems (i.e. the government, normal modes of deity "worship", etc) have failed. Because of the Chinese community's unique and often complicated situation in Penang, it is a particularly good place to study the relationship dynamics between the Chinese people and their Gods.

So, I guess that's more or less why I find myself here in Penang.

My next post will discuss my group's visit to a Chinese Buddhist Hermitage and Monastery, where we had tea time with the abbot! Look for it soon!

1 comment:

  1. What a very exciting month you have ahead! Will look forward to following your posts. God's blessings to you!
    Susan Morrison
